Vestavia Hills Elementary West PTO is the school’s parent-teacher organization. The PTO is a non-profit organization that works to make West the greatest environment possible for our students. We encourage all families to join PTO through Membership Toolkit (MTK)! This is the best way to invest in the school and learn about everything that is happening.
If you would like to learn more about VHEW PTO, click here.
VHEW uses MTK to manage PTO registration, communications, volunteer sign-ups and the online school directory. We also use it for sales of items related to our fundraising efforts.
About Stores and Sales Forms
VHEW PTO uses MTK Stores and Sales Forms to take payments for membership registration as well as items like Carnival tickets and meals, Auction tickets, and Spirit Shop Items.
Our fulfillment policy varies depending on the item sold, and will be detailed on individual sales pages. For example, some items purchased (such as Spirit Shop merchandise) will be delivered in your child's backpack, and some may be delivered to you at an event (e.g., Auction tickets).
We provide refunds and/or cancellations for membership/registration/donation payments if an order is made in error or due to a duplicate payment or system malfunction. Returns for merchandise are not accepted unless there is a fulfillment or quality issue. If you would like to request a refund or cancellation, or if you have any questions regarding your order please contact vhewpto@gmail.com.